
Robin's lesson plan boyd week 1-2.txt

File history uploaded by Robin Johannsen 8 years, 7 months ago
Since my class is 50 minutes a lot of things end of pushing and pulling from day to day. 
I end up review and making changes by the end of week. So once monday happens I can have a more accurate idea for the next week or two. I also am concerned with them understnading how to use outsid sources, this seems to trouble them.

I also find sending out announcements discussing the homework seem to keep them on track and very few excuses come my way. 

Mon-Sept 28:

Final Papers Due

Begin Boyd...start with discussion of the article

Video__Marc Pensky or "Digital natives" (decide later)

focus on who is audience and what is the main claim

HW:jigsaw the author, blog etc. (this worked really well last time)

Wed-Sept 30:
go over the jigsaw pieces in class and get a discussion going. (use discussion questions as backup)

Use two more of the videos on the list that seem to spark interest in the class

start to discuss the persuasion/moves --start in class then make homework

Fri--Oct 2:

continue with homework -discuss in class

give homework of breaking down the text into the claims and the evidence to support them

Mon Oct 5--Library Day

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