
Boyd highlight claim.txt

File history uploaded by Robin Johannsen 8 years, 6 months ago

"Youth must become media literate." pg 181. Her argument is that schools should teach students about what is propaganda or persuasive media so that they can be an informed public, especially now with the freefall of information available on the internet.

"As new gneres of media proliferated...audiences can be manipulated into believeing a particular narrative. Although fact-checking can often serve to combact certqain aspects of maniplative messaging, people must learn to question biases and assunptions underpinning the content they see." 181

"Long before the Internet, critical media literacy has never been considered essential in schools or communities." 181

I do agree that this aspect of critical thi9nking has not been taught in schools and it has left many adults without an understanding how advertising works. The worst part is that these techniques are used by the Media instead of reporting the news, they are selling it to us instead.  You can connect this to outisde sources that remark on the bias of the media outlets, you can demonstrate how progaganda works and how it is the base for advertising, and/or you can focus on the lack of critical thinking as a subject in school.  

This is a critical point that demonstrates how the lack of educating the public as made a public naive to the world outside: causing high debt ratios for most of the middle and lower classes, naive to world issues, which make sthem literally puppets to of big business. (wow that is very cynical!)

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