Page history
last edited
by Chris Werry 4 years, 5 months ago
Contribution Page
This page is for sharing ideas, materials and teaching resources. There is also a folder where you can place materials (try to make a link back to this page so we know it's there).
The material was created by TAs teaching RWS100 and 200 over the past few semesters. Please add to it!
Sample Teacher Sites
This page is the main resource for RWS100 in fall 2019. It contains a lot of teaching material, so you may want to focus on the sections in each unit below titled "Main Teaching Materials."
You can also take a look at the wiki sites created by several 100 teachers. These contain teaching material and homework.
Andrew Testa's Teaching Materials
Andrew Testa created a huge resource page full of powerpoints, teaching materials, syllabi, assignments, tips and advice. It is several year's worth of materials for both RWS100 and 200. He has also shared the work he did as a TA in fall 2017.
RWS100 F 2017
Lecture Notes and Powerpoints
Andrew's PPTs:
Unit 1 on PACES and Clive Thompson:
- Day 1: No PowerPoint -- Syllabus, Ice Breaker, Timed Write
- 9-1, Appeals
- 9-6, PACES
- 9-8, Assumptions, Charting
- 9-11, Thompson, Introductions
- 9-13, Claims, Evidence
- 9-15, Outlines Thompson Strengths Weaknesses
- 9-18, Body Paragraphs, PIE
- 9-20, Tone, Transitions
- 9-22, Conclusions, Titles, Transitions
- Remainder of Classes: Workshop and Conferencing
Unit 2 on Smoking Articles and Rhetorical Strategies:
Unit 3 on Danah Boyd, Digital Literacy, and Outside Sources:
- 10-25, Digital Rhetoric Intro
- 10-27, Describing Relationships BW Texts
- 10-30, Boyd Discussion
- 11-1, Wineburg McGrew Discussion
- 11-3, MODEL SLIDES, Timed Writing, Boyd
- 11-6, Writing Essay 3
- 11-8, Workshop 1 A3
- 11-15, Workshop 2 A3
Unit 4 on Fake News and Star Wars:
Note: Andrew's PowerPoints improve as the semester progresses and make good use of memes and humor to entertain students. The PPTs are for a MWF but can be easily adapted to TTH. Unit 4 was experimental -- we watched Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and I found some texts about fake news and Star Wars.
RWS100 2016 & 2015
Kahoots Quizzes
These are online games you can play in class to survey students on issues before a new reading, to review knowledge of concepts, as a reading quiz, or for fun. (Here is a NYT article discussing how teachers use it.) You can quickly set up a quiz by going to the web site kahoot.com. This will generate a 4 digit code. Students then go to the Kahoot web site on their phones, enter the code, and play begins. Samples:
Lecture Notes and Powerpoints
Scott B's PPTs:
- 0901 (Key Concepts) 0906 (PACES and "Password" Game; 0908 (PACES team exercise) 0913 (Reading Strategies) 0915 (Blog Post Course Correct/Audience/Summary vs. Analysis)
- 0920 (Thompson discussion/Team Charting Game) 0922 (Analysis, Audience, Evidence Types Redux + Squatty Potty Class Exercise) 0927 (Evaluating Evidence, Paper Review)
- 0929 (Peer Review Day) 1006 (Rhetorical Thunderdome) 1011 (Introducing Carr + Charting Exercise)
- 1013 (Rhetorical Situation + Evaluating Evidence Redux) 1018 (Charting Carr Activity) 1020 (Rhetorical Strategy 1)
- 1020 (Rhetorical Strategy 2...thanks Andrea!) 1025 (Paper #2) 1027 (Peer Review Paper #2) 1103 (Group Paper Troubleshooting Day)
- 1108 (Election Day Final Ad Analysis Day) 1110 (Election Day Thoughts + Boyd Introduction)
- 1115 (Boyd Book Club + Charting Text Assignment) 1117 (Rhetorical Relationship Terms w/ HST)
- 1122 (Rhetorically Accurate Verbs & Class Discussion Prompt) 1129 (Paper #2 Redux, Paper #3 Prompt Questions)
- 1201 (Paper Workshop Day)
Assorted Powerpoints
Helpful Handouts and Activities
Short Articles
Peer Review Materials
100 Prompts and Rubrics
Unit One
Unit Two
Unit Three
Unit Four
RWS200 2016
Teaching Roberts Miller's Demagoguery texts (Unit 2 for RWS 200)
RWS 200 Prompts and Rubrics
Unit One
Unit Two
Unit Three
Unit Four
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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