RWS 100 Project _2 Prompt

RWS 100 Project #2: Sources Paper (200pts total)

In her chapter, “Literacy: Are Today’s Youth Digital Natives?” danah boyd calls attention to the problematic implications of the term “digital native.” For this project, you will introduce boyd’s argument, exploring how she aims to persuade her intended audience of her main claim. Additionally, you will bring in three outside sources (two scholarly sources and one popular media source) that make arguments and intersect with boyd’s text.


How you choose to put the authors in conversation is up to you, including which significant terms, aspects, or claims from boyd’s chapter you choose to investigate. It is your job to determine how these outside texts connect to the main text: do they illustrate, extend, challenge, qualify, or complicate one of the arguments found in boyd’s chapter?

Vetting Your Sources (50pts):

In this paper (150pts), you will:

  1. Bring the reader into the conversation (signal the topic).

  2. Introduce the author and the article.

  3. Accurately describe the author’s project and argument.

  4. Layout YOUR project. Feel free to use metadiscourse (Explain how you/the paper will proceed.)

  5. Locate claims and/or evidence from (at least) 3 outside sources that connect with boyd’s argument.

  6. Analyze these claims/evidence—how do they illustrate, clarify, extend, complicate, or challenge Boyd’s original arguments?

  7. Conclude your thoughts cohesively, tying up all loose ends.

  8. So what? Why do we care? Explore future significance and the bigger picture.

  9. Use clear structure that guides the reader through your paper. Lead the reader from one idea to the next.


Important Dates: