SPRING 2017 RWS 200
Spring Week 9: Brainstorming Unit 4
Please engage in some brainstorming for Unit 4. Feel free to cover prompt creation, activities in class, texts you may use, etc. This is meant to be a low stakes, low stress activity. Deep breaths! In addition, don't feel that you'll be locked in to whatever you come up with. This is purely a way for us to share our different ideas in a creative way. Please post this below before we meet next.
Theodore R. Niekras: TRN ITC Unit 4 Brainstorming.docx
Alexandra Cline: UNIT 3 SCHEDULE AND UNIT 4 IDEAS.docx
Kellie Miller: Unit 4 Outline.docx
Katie Sweeney: KatlinSweeney_ITCHomework_Week09.doc
Ari Arrieta: Unit 4 Homework.docx
Briant Wells : Brainstorming_UNIT 4.docx
Olga Nikolaeva: Brainstorming Unit 4.pptx
Cass Payne: unit 4.docx
Karen Studzinski: Unit 4 ideas ITC 3.22.17.docx
Ryan Thomas: Unit 4 assignments & terms
Valorie Ruiz: Unit Four Schedule: UnitFourSchedule.pdf
Spring Week 8: Unit 3 Prompt
Today, we went over ways in which we may plan and introduce Unit 3. For homework, please post the following below by Tuesday, March 14:
1) Your Unit 3 prompt.
2) A synthesis of “fake news” texts—select one text from each section under “Synthesizing Texts on Fake News” on the wiki (“Key Texts,” “How Much of a Problem,” “The Cause(s) of Fake News,” and “Solutions”) and take a stab at writing your own brief synthesis.
3) A brief description of how your Unit 3 plan will connect to/lead into Unit 4.
Cam's Rough Sample Prompt: Unit 3 Prompt.docx
Pietera Pincock: RWS 200 Unit 3 PromptSchedule.pdf
Ryan Thomas: Essay 3 prompt. Syntheses of fake news texts.
Briant Wells: PROMPT Fake News Synthesis.docx | Synthesis Exercise.docx | fake news context and about(1).docx
Kellie Miller: RWS 200 Essay 3 Prompt.docx Unit 3 Schedule of Activities.docx Synthesis activity.docx
Katie Sweeney: KatlinSweeney_ITCHomework_Week8.doc
Ari Arrieta: Unit 3 Prompt and Homework .docx
Theodore R. Niekras: TRN ITC Week 8.docx
Drake: Essay #3 RWS.docx & Unit 3 Plan.docx
Cass: unit 3 prompt etc.pdf
Olga NIkolaeva: RWS 200 Unit 3 Prompt.docx
KarenStudzinski: prompt 3.docx
Valorie Ruiz: Unit3Prompt.pdf
Spring Week 6: Observation Times & Unit 2
Today, we discussed our Essay 2 prompts, and then we spent some time grade-norming. For this week, please use the space below to:
1) Write down the time/days/location your class meets, as well as 3 potential dates you would like us to come observe your class. Once you have posted this information, one of us will contact you with a specific date we plan to visit your class.
2) Post a description of specific activities you plan to do to teach the remainder of Unit 2.
Binh Nguyen: MWF 11:00-11:50 in HH 222. Requested time:
Kellie Miller: T/TH 12:30-13:45 in NE 073 Requested dates: 3/16, 3/21, 3/14 Unit 2 Activities.docx
Alexandra Cline: T/TH 930-1045. Requesting: 2/28, 3/2 (after that, I am canceling a week for conferences). Unit 2 Ideas.docx
Elizabeth Drake: Observations times--- 8am-9:15/TTH/GMCS 305 and I would like to be observed on March 16th, 21st, or 23rd
Cass Payne: T/TH 12:30-13:45; requested dates: 2/28, 3/9, 3/23 Unit 2 Activities and Texts.docx
Ryan Thomas: 3/9, 3/14, 4/18. Here's an in-class assignment from Unit 2
Olga Nikolaeva: 1400-1515 MW AH-3127 Requesting 3/6, 3/15, 3/20 Unit 2 Activities Olga Nikolaeva.docx
Lindsey Pierce: Dates, Times, Location, n Lesson Plans rws 200 Unit 2 lesson plans.docx
Briant Wells: T/TH 9:30-10:45 GMCS 308. Requesting 3/14, 3/16,, 3/21. I have class cancelled 3/9 (student conferencing), 3/23 (I will be out of town for a conference), 4/6 (student conferencing)|Demagogic Debate Week.docx
Katlin Sweeney: Class Time: T/TH 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. in Hepner Hall 218. Requested Dates: 3/16, 3/21, 4/4 KatlinSweeney_ITCHW_Week06.doc
Ari Arrieta: T/TH 8:00-9-15 HT 22. Requesting 3/16, 3/21, 3/23. Unit 2 Detailed Schedule.docx
Karen Studzinski: T/TH 12:30-1:45pm in NE278 Requesting: 3/9, 3/16, 3/21, or any day in April ITC hw2.28.17.docx
Chris Gorrie: M/W 5:00-6:15pm in HH218. Requesting: 3/13, 3/15, 3/20Unit2_Gorrie.docx
Valorie Ruiz T/Th 11:00-12:15 Art North 300B Dates: 3/16, 3/21, 4/4
Theodore R. Niekras: M/W/F 12:00-12:50pm HH-122 Dates: 3/20, 3/22, 4/5, 4/10
Spring Week 5: Essay 2 Prompt
Today in class, we analyzed the demagogic moves you made for last week’s homework, exploring Roberts-Miller’s concepts in greater detail. We also discussed the particular version of Roberts-Miller’s text and the target text/s that we plan to use for Essay 2.
To prepare for Unit 2, please post the following to the wiki by Tuesday, 2/21:
1) Your Essay 2 prompt
2) A personal rubric to demonstrate what you are looking for in your students’ second essays.
Binh Nguyen: Project 2 prompt.docx
Alexandra Cline: ASSIGNMENT 2.docx
Kellie Miller: Miller- RWS 200 Essay 2 Prompt.docx
Theodore R. Niekras: Unit 2 Grading Rubric.xlsx Niekras RWS 200 - Unit 2 Prompt.docx
Pietera Pincock: RWS 200 Unit 2 PromptSchedule.pdf
Ryan Thomas: Essay 2 Prompt & Rubric
Katie Sweeney: KatlinSweeney_ITCHomework_Week5.doc
Briant Wells: Prompt 2.docx | Rubric: Note: I borrowed this from the illustrious, exhausted, over-worked, and gracious Katie Sweeney. Grading Rubric for Essay 2.docx
Elizabeth Drake: Prompt and Rubric
Olga Nikolaeva: RWS 200 Unit 2 PromptScheduleGrading.docx
Valorie Ruiz: Essay Two Prompt and Rubric.pdf
Ari Arrieta: Unit 2 Prompt Copy.docx, Grading Rubric.docx
Lindsey Pierce: rws unit 2 prompt.docx
Cass Payne: project 2 prompt.pdf and RWS 200 Project 2 Rubric.pdf
Spring Week 4: Practicing Demagoguery
Chris Gorrie: General Godinger Spoon Addresses the National Spoon Front(1).docx
Kellie Miller: ITC Week 4 Homework.docx
Briant Wells: Ted Nugent at the 2012 NRA convention in St.docx; Ted Nugent Speech
Ari Arrieta: Week 4 Homework and Schedule.docx
Week 4 homework for Ryan Thomas
Theodore Niekras, Week 4: TRN ITC Week 4.docx
Alexandra Cline, Week 4
Demagogic paragraph in the voice of Richard Nixon:
Me, being a bird of humble beginnings, a common bird, just like you hard working Americans. I started at a young age in the work force, and saved every penny I could muster. I worked hard to help build the America of today -- as I know you all did!
We, my fellow Americans, have been going through quite a time of loss, a time of hardship. But now, this is our time to win. Blue Jays, Red Cardinals, Hummers -- all of you know and understand what I mean when I discuss hardship. And under the watchful eye of the Great God, Bird of Paradise, we pray together for better times ahead.
My fellow Americans, most important -- we are going to win because our cause is right. Together, we will combat a faulty administration that has allowed for such atrocities to occur.
My fellow Americans, we will stand together in opposition to the chaotic migration of the Bennu Heron. We know, and we acknowledge, that like us, the Heron is nothing more than a bird. But we must remember, that these birds are not birds of a feather to us, we must filter the migration patterns of such groups -- for they are a danger to our ways of life! Our nests are threatened, eggs not yet hatched lie in the balance of the decisions we make right here, right now, today. The solution is to protect ourselves! We can’t bear wings in fear for the rest of our flying lives.
We stormed the Nests of Normandy.
We came back from the shores of Viet-Squawk.
We are the beak-bone of the whole of America.
This is our America, my fellow flyers, my hardworking, high soaring friends.
I don’t promise a perfect tomorrow, But, I do promise action -- a new policy for peace abroad in colonies of birds not familiar to our soils; a new policy for peace and progress and justice at home in our air space.
Ryan Thomas
Week 4
It is imperative that we as victims of prejudice, seeing our families in poverty, existing if only to be shining examples of purity in a world of infidels, that we must destroy the devil penetrating our communities and show ourselves to be gods of earth—deciding who can best exemplify our higher-functioning spiritual natures as jihad practices. The United States wishes to see our oil profits filling their pockets and financing their wars against us, bombing our towns and mosques, only to see their Christian god prevail. Their fancy technology and nuclear weapons won’t deter us from the fight; it only emboldens us.
I intend to do a lecture on demagoguery, covering the points of Roberts-Miller’s texts. Then we will watch YouTube videos of demagogues and do group responses. Finally, I will introduce essay two and explain target texts examined via the usage of a “lens” text, which in this case would most likely be Roberts-Miller’s “Characteristics of Demagoguery.”
Katie Sweeney: Katlin Sweeney_ITC Homework Week 4.doc
Karen Studzinski: ITC hw 2.14.17.docx
Spring Week 3: Writing to Your Prompt
Today, we worked through ideas for drafting, workshopping, and conferencing, and then we explored and evaluated some of the rhetorical moves Hari makes in his text.
For homework this week, try writing to your own prompt. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the work you are asking your students to do. According to the first letter of your last name, write one paragraph that focuses on the following:
A-H: Claims and evidence
I-P: Appeals and strategies
Q-Z: Strengths and weaknesses
Please post your paragraph below by Tuesday, February 7.
Ryan Thomas
Hari’s text assignment
Hari’s argument that making connections with addicts is more beneficial than separating entirely or ostracizing them has both strengths and weaknesses. One strength is Hari’s usage of pathos, as indicated best in paragraph four: “One of my earliest memories as a kid is trying to wake up one of my relatives, and not being able to. Ever since then, I have been turning over the essential mystery of addiction in my mind -- what causes some people to become fixated on a drug or a behavior until they can't stop? How do we help those people to come back to us? As I got older, another of my close relatives developed a cocaine addiction, and I fell into a relationship with a heroin addict. I guess addiction felt like home to me.” He doesn’t just speak objectively, rather Hari first makes a strong emotional “connection” with educated individuals and readers of the Huffington Post, showing that he cares about the subject enough to conduct significant research and make incredible insights. It’s very convincing that he knows about drug addiction when he cites personal experiences and shares with his audience with such emotionally-brave overtures. However, one of Hari’s weaknesses is underestimating readers of the Huffington Post and many others by assuming his logical reasoning is sound enough. He anticipates reactions to his argument by making certain bold and perhaps over-the-line assumptions about his educated readership in paragraph five, when he writes: “If you had asked me what causes drug addiction at the start, I would have looked at you as if you were an idiot, and said: ‘Drugs. Duh.’ It's not difficult to grasp. I thought I had seen it in my own life. We can all explain it. Imagine if you and I and the next twenty people to pass us on the street take a really potent drug for twenty days. There are strong chemical hooks in these drugs, so if we stopped on day twenty-one, our bodies would need the chemical. We would have a ferocious craving. We would be addicted. That's what addiction means.” Hari uses the rhetorical strategy of anticipation to help aid in furnishing his readers with an appeal to logos. It isn’t however an effective use of anticipation because he assumes that readers of the Huffington Post believe that chemicals are the only reason addicts continually use drugs. He fails to acknowledge other reasons, such as looking cool, hooking up with lovers, and other unrelated aspects of drug usage to chemicals. The appeal to logos made the strategy not only ineffective, but also capable of compromising his main argument by showing him to be logically deficient of enough reasoning, as he failed to acknowledge that the average person doesn’t become addicted to drugs, that it’s unlikely they could connect to such an example of suddenly deciding to become an addict for twenty days, and therefore he distances himself—morally and judiciously—from the readers of the Huffington Post. In truth, many of them are probably thinking to themselves: “Why does Hari spend so much time of the article on pretending that we are all commonly drug addicts? Does he assume we were all drug addicts at one time or another?” For that reason, Hari presents an argument that is strengthened by its usage of pathos, but he is perhaps too quixotic to manage with such weak logos as support for his claims, which is why his argument overall is not fully convincing to readers of the Huffington Post and especially not a broader, more general audience including conservative viewpoints.
Kellie Miller: Kellie Miller- Writing to Your Own Prompt Strategies and Appeals.docx
Briant Wells: Weaknesses and Strengths of Hari.docx
Alexandra Cline: My prompt and also a sheet I handed out to my students to help guide them through this assignment. It essentially pulls apart aspects of the prompt that I believe are most important for the students to address -- and although may be considered "spoon feeding" them, I think will help guide them for this first paper and point them in the proper direction for learning outcomes as opposed to telling them EXACTLY what I want them to write. PROMPT 1.docx HELP WITH HARI.docx
Ari Arrieta: Claims and Evidence.docx
Valorie Ruiz: Wk 3.pdf
Lindsey Pierce: Better late than never, right?
Here is my sample paragraph, and also the prompt broken down--what content each paragraph should contain.
ITC sample paragraph.docx
rws 200 numbers prompt.docx
Karen Studzinski: On the document, I've included my prompt (again), the altered questions I gave students to write the specific paragraph-it was an extension of their reader response-and my example. ITC 2.7.17.docx As it turns out, it was a handy paragraph to revisit analysis and evaluation too.
Katlin Sweeney: Katlin Sweeney_Hari's Text.doc
Spring Week 2: Drafting, Workshopping, & Conferencing
Today, we discussed how we plan to work with Hari. Specifically, we explored possible ways to teach strategies within his text, as well as ways to get students to evaluate his argument.
As we tend to overemphasize the rhetorical aspect of the course during the first couple weeks, we are now going to switch gears and focus on the writing aspect. Next week, we will be discussing our plans for guiding students through the writing process. To prepare for this, please post the following below by Tuesday, January 31:
1) Your plans for drafting and workshopping Essay 1.
2) Your plans for conferencing. Are you planning to conference with your students? If so, will it be required or optional, and how do you plan to organize these conferences? If not, what are your plans for ensuring your students are on the right track before they submit their final essay?
Pietera Pincock
1) For Essay 1, I have my students create a preliminary outline and two rough drafts. I conduct workshops for each of these stages, and I use the following worksheets to lead students through the workshops: Outline: Outline Workshop.pdf; 1st Draft: Peer Review WS 1(1).pdf; 2nd Draft: Writing Meditation Workshop.pdf (if you are interested in doing this, let me know and I will be happy to explain how I set it up).
2) I plan to cancel one class day to hold optional conferences (although they are optional, I highly recommend them to my students, so usually the majority of them sign up). I use the following sign-up sheet (this one's from last year) that I pass around in class about a week prior to the conferences: Draft Conference Signup.pdf. As you can see, although I only cancel one official class day (in this example, I canceled a Wednesday class), I also give them the option to meet with me one or two other days that we do not have class (in this case, I added Tuesday and Thursday).
Alexandra Cline: Rough timeline of process for Hari.docx
Katie Sweeney: Katlin Sweeney_ITC HW_Week 02.doc
Kellie Miller: Kellie Miller ITC Homework week 2.docx
Olga Nikolaeva: Olga Nikolaeva ITC Homework week 2.docx
Briant Wells Conferencing and peer review plan.docx
Karen Studzinski: ITC hw 2.1.17.docx
Ari Arrieta peer review and conference.docx
Cass Payne: Payne Project 1.pdf
Lindsey Pierce: itc hw week 3.docx
Chris Gorrie: Gorrie_Essay_1.docx
Valorie Ruiz: ITC WK 2.pdf
Spring Week 1: Brainstorming Unit 1
Yesterday in class, we discussed how everyone's first day went (at least, those who had taught at that point) and activities we plan to do to teach concepts the first couple weeks.
For next week, please post the following below:
1) Your Essay 1 prompt (this can be rough or finalized). Creating a prompt before you begin discussing the major texts serves as a nice base to help you to plan the rest of your classes more thoroughly.
2) A detailed class plan for the first day you teach Hari.
3) A rough outline of activities you plan to use to teach Unit 1. This can just be a brief skeleton, but you should include some specific ideas on how you plan to work with Hari.
Just a sidenote: Don’t be freaked out by the word “homework.” This is really just so you can get ahead of the game, and so we can all share what we’re doing and throw some ideas around.
Pietera Pincock: RWS 200 Unit 1 Prompt Schedule.pdf; Day 1 Hari.pdf; 1:26 ppt.pdf
Ryan Thomas: Unit 1 prompt, first day of Hari, and rough outline of activities.
Cass Payne: Homework 1.25.17
Briant Wells: Unit 1_Briant Wells - Copy.pdf
Alexandra Cline: HARI AND UNIT ONE PLAN.docx
Kellie Miller: Hari Day 1 Outline, Paper 1 Prompt and Unit 1 Schedule.docx
Ari Arrieta: Hari Schedule,Outline,Prompt.docx
Theodore R. Niekras: Niekras RWS 200 - Unit 1 Paper.docx
Chris Gorrie: Gorrie_Hari_Unit1_RWS200.docx
Valorie Ruiz: Week One HW .pdf
Karen Studzinski: LP, outline, and prompt 1>ITC hw 1.25.17.docx
Lindsey Pierce Unit 1 Prompt.docx
Katie Sweeney: Katlin Sweeney_ITC HW_Week 01.doc
Olga Nikolaeva: Unit 1 Prompt Schedule Olga Nikolaeva.docx
RWS prompt #1.docx
SPRING 2016 RWS200
Spring Week 13: Grade Norming, Round II
As we get closer to the semester's end, we will continue to address important "end-of-the-semester" things. Please continue to send us anything you would like to discuss for our next ITC meeting. Jenny sent out a follow-up email after our class yesterday, packed with information on WPA/Tyca/Student Evals/etc. Please sift through this information as it may be useful to some of your final classes with your students. For next week, we will address any further concerns you have regarding next semester/student evals/final grades/whatever you want. Additionally, we will do another round of grade norming to see how we have progressed over the course of the semester. In order to do so, please email us ONE student paper along with your prompt for Paper #3. We appreciate it. Thank you!
Spring Week 12: ITC Reminders
We finished in a bit of a hurry yesterday in our ITC meeting, and we wanted to wrap up the meeting with a few thoughts. The semester is coming to an end, which means you will need to complete your ITC portfolio within the next month. This portfolio consists of a reflection/suggestion paper discussing your time as a TA and in the ITC class, copies or write-ups of specific successful activities or materials you created, and an A, B, and C student paper with your marginal/end notes from the same assignment. The most important thing to note now is the range of papers. These need to be from the same prompt. Make copies or download from Turnitin accordingly.
Additionally, if you have not scheduled your observation date with us, please plan a few days and email us these available options ASAP. It's helpful for both you and for us to observe your teaching style. This will allow us to give you an official TA report for your records and for ours, meaning we have a reference for a potential letter of recommendation later. And since we are getting down to our last few ITC meetings, we wanted to know if there was something in particular that you would like to focus on. Is there something you feel we need to discuss? Something you are concerned about as the semester comes to an end? Please reply with your ideas or concerns, and we will cover these topics in our remaining meetings.
Spring Week 11: Prepping for Paper 4
Coming back from Spring Break, we started yesterday's ITC with a discussion on how to use this teaching experience when applying for Community College jobs or PhD programs (Chris has emailed out the packet with some helpful information if you did not receive one in ITC). We then moved to an extensive conversation about plagiarism and the steps to take if you encounter it. Again, as we all agreed, it is probably best to have a conversation with the student first. We then shifted our focus to the Unit 4 materials that Chris passed out (again, there is a electronic version in your email), clarifying the project for Paper #4. So for next week, please review some of these materials and post your tentatively drafted plans for Unit 4. This should include a few detailed activities for your class. Please post this document below by next Tuesday, April 12th. Thank you!
Spring Week 7: Teaching Synthesis
This week, we spent most of ITC discussing our plans/ideas for Units 3 and 4. For next week, we will focus specifically on Unit 3, the synthesis paper. Please post a detailed description of an activity to teach your students the concept of synthesis. Please post below in a blurb or document by Tuesday, March 15th.
- Dalton Salvo: I am having them read Ch. 1, "Coming to terms," of Joseph Harris' book on writing, entitled Rewriting. This chapter deals with an author's aims, and purposes, as well as offering interesting ways to question and challenge a text. I believe it will be a useful text for their upcoming synthesis paper. Having read that, the class will split into five groups; each group will be working with a different topic concerning internet civility. They will then have to present their groups "coming to terms" with their particular article.
- Pietera Pincock: After going over the "Describing Relationships Between Texts" concepts, I am going to have the students put the four texts they will be synthesizing into conversation with one another (excluding their anchor text). I will assign each student a number (1=Stafford, 2=Wilson, 3=Boyd, and 4=Zhuo). They will then take on the role of their assigned author, walk around the classroom, and interview other "authors." I have made a worksheet for them to fill out as they converse with one another: Conversing Texts Workshop.pdf . The idea is that they will be able to literally put the texts into conversation with one another, understanding how their (rather, their assigned author's) claims can either extend, complicate, qualify, challenge, or illustrate the other authors' claims. We'll see if this works!
- Amanda Black: synthesisquotes.docx After a description of synthesis is given, I will put student in groups of three and hand out the attached activity sheet. The sheet consists of quotes from 3 different authors all discussing the topic of poverty and inequality. I will ask students to read the quotes and come up with common topics discussed by all three authors (there are some clearly identifiable ones such as family, education, taxes, solutions etc.). I will elicit responses from students and write their answers on the board and then make a connection back to identifying common themes. Then I will do 1 of two things (I have not decided yet) 1) in groups, I will have them choose one of the themes and write a short paragraph that explains what all three of the authors have to say about that theme and then use the student samples to discuss terms and phrases to connect authors coherently; or 2) We will write the paragraph together as a class and will discuss connecting terms and phrases as we write. I will wrap up by connecting back to examples of our own topic and with a discussion/questions about synthesizing in general.
- Kitrina Carr: To work through the texts for the third unit, I am going to have the students break into groups and assign each group a different text. As they read through the text they will be asked to identify characteristics about the text on the white board (to be used later). Then, they will “teach” the other groups about the main points, arguments, and supporting evidence concerning the text’s claims. Students will be encouraged to ask questions about the content and main points, almost like a symposium. After educating their peers about their text, they will each converse the ways that the text complicated and influenced their understanding about the original text they read. The questions and conversations we will have center around furthering their understanding of the assigned text; drawing on related connecting points and ways that the texts communicate with each other. As we talk about the content in class, the notes collected on the white board will be points to easily return to, or specify overlapping themes.
- Stephen Silke: Unit3Exercise.doc
- Juliette Holder: synthesis activity & worksheet.docx
- McKayla Watkins: On the first day of the unit, we are going to discuss "Relationships Between Texts" in the Course Reader and then complete a short, fun activity that will help the students understand the concept of synthesis/mapping out different arguments. (Brooke and Juliette helped come up with this idea, so shout-outs to them!) I will hand out printed lyrics to four different songs and will play these songs with their accompanying music videos. Each of these songs will have differing perspectives on "the meaning of life." Then, I will split the students into four groups and assign one song to each group. The groups will describe their song's argument, claims, and position on "the meaning of life." Then, they will interview the other groups to find connections between the different songs. After they've interviewed each of the other groups, I will write down the names of the four songs on opposite corners of the board. I'll ask them what points of connection they saw between the texts, and draw these connections on the board as a way to visually "map out" the claims and positions of the different songs.
- Rachel Greenberg: Unit 3 Exercise Plan.doc
- Stephanie DeVera: SYNTHESIS CONNECTIONS.docx Before this activity (i.e. Synthesis Connections), students will have charted the texts and I will have given students a brief lecture about what a synthesis is. For the activity, students will pick 3 quotes from each text. Students will write brief paraphrases of these quotes in the quote boxes. I will then tell students to pick three quotes from three different authors and tell them to draw lines linking the quotes. I will encourage students use different colors to mark different connections between the texts. In the right column, students will also write a brief description about what the quotes have in common. I will remind students that texts can be synthesized by focusing on what ideas they have in common. Before the students actually link their quotes, I will model how to synthesize quotes from different texts together (with a set of 4 Trump speeches with 3 quotes each). I will also show how the same quote can link to different quotes (emphasizing how making connections between texts can be creative).
- Sean Coolican: RWS 200 Unit 3 Activity on Synthesis.docx
- Justin Dykes' Unit 3 Outline & Plan--Synthesis
- Brooke Petersen: I've already done the songs activity McKayla wrote about (I just did it briefly, to preview the unit). Tomorrow I plan to discuss two articles from my cluster which themselves demonstrate synthesis of different ideas. I have already had the students read these articles, and will hold discussion on the different positions they highlight and how they make connections between the ideas. Then I will bridge into some different structures they can use for their own synthesis.
- Jerrod Heiser: I have discussed in slight terms the goals of a synthesis. After going over the prompt with students, I will do an example of synthesis using materials from a colleague which provides specific quotes that relate to a particular themes on a topic. The students must then connect the themes that are in theses quotes. As a class, we will organize the ideas that talk about the same themes into a coherent paragraph discussing how we can transition from one idea to the next and how the writer can add analysis that helps to show the relationships between ideas. This process will then be done as articles are read and analyzed in class. Hopefully the model will provide the students with the tools to work on this as we go over the various arguments in the articles. Once all the article are read, we will have a class devoted to organizing themes and having people decide which they will write on.
- Jonathan Rodley: I selected short quotes from the five essays the students will read (Prompt 3 Synthesis Exercise Quotes.docx) and in groups had them identify the main claim, any rhetorical strategy used, the type of evidence used, and how the paragraph related to the previous paragraphs. We stopped after each paragraph to discuss the selection as a class.
Spring Week 6: Brainstorming Unit 3
As most of our prompts are due within the next two weeks, it seems appropriate that we start thinking about Unit 3. We were given a lot of information, handouts, and ideas, or potential avenues, for Unit 3 yesterday in ITC. I believe Chris sent out materials electronically as well. For next week, your job is to sift through these materials, or find some of your own, and brainstorm how you would like to structure Units 3 and 4. Susan has also emailed out her prompt, and there is an assortment of material here on the Wiki as well (hyperlinked in Week 5 below). Please post your ideas below or be prepared to share in ITC next week.
Spring Week 5: Answering Our Own Prompts
Last week, we discussed our different activities for teaching Roberts-Miller and the central text. We found very interesting ideas in your work and look forward to hearing how those work out in class. For this week, as we move forward in our unit, we ask that each of you answers your own prompt for Unit 2. Please create a sample body paragraph accordingly, and post below on the Wiki. (This can be a weak or strong example; if you write a "bad" one, you could potentially use it for a class workshopping activity) Additionally, please start thinking about how you want to tackle Units 3 and 4. We have resources available for Unit 3 and Unit 4 here on the Wiki (located under RWS200 Spring Teaching Materials).
Spring Week 4: Working Through Unit 2
Yesterday, we reviewed different ways we all plan to teach Unit 2, starting with the prompt. Figuring out the focus of your prompt will helps determine your Unit 2 schedule. Additionally, we worked through a short grading norming session. This is important to make sure there is some consistency among our classes/grading scale. For next week--now that you've created a tentative outline for Unit 2--we would like to dig deeper into the main texts, Roberts-Miller, Wallace, LaPierre, and/or Trump. Please post two activities, one for teaching Roberts-Miller and one for your central text (whichever that may be), here on the Homework page by Tuesday, Feb. 23rd. Thanks!
- Pietera Pincock: 1. R-M Activity: After the students have read the shortened "Characteristics of Demagoguery" for homework, I'm going to have the students arrive to class and set their desks up in a big circle, so they're all facing each other (I think this will work in my room, but I guess we'll see). Then they are going to have an open discussion about R-M's text, asking questions and providing answers. I'm hoping to stay out of this discussion, allowing the students to provide the answers, but I'll interject if something incorrect is said. After this discussion, I'm going to do the M&Ms vs. Skittles activity, having them divide based on their candy preference, breaking the circle into two half circles. They will create a list of demagogic points to make their case, labeling those points under R-M's specific characteristics. Then, each side will present their demagogic argument to the other. 2. Trump Activity: For homework, I'm going to have the students Google search "Donald Trump and demagogue" and record the title, author, publication, and date of 3 articles that come up. Then, they'll need to choose one of the articles to read through and articulate the main argument. When they come to class, we'll have a discussion about their findings. I'll ask for a volunteer to read their article's information and main argument. Then, I'll ask the students to raise their hands if they researched that article. Then, I'll ask for another volunteer to share a different article than the one read, and ask how many students researched that article. I'll repeat this until no one has a new article to share.
- Stephen Silke: RobertsMillerCentralTextUnit2.doc
- Juliette Holder: Unit 2 Class Activities.docx
- Rachel Greenberg: Unit2Plan.doc
- Jon Rodley: Prompt 2 Exercises.docx
- Stephanie DeVera: UNIT 2 Lessons.docx
- McKayla Watkins: Roberts-Miller Activity: After my students read Roberts-Miller's longer text, they are going to each brainstorm two discussion questions to bring with them to class. Then we're going to have a class-wide discussion, using their discussion questions as prompts. While I have a few questions of my own, and will help move the discussion forward, I hope that they will mostly take the reigns to discuss this text. After they read Roberts-Miller's shorter text, we are going to do the Skittles/M&Ms debate so that they can have a better understanding of the particular characteristics and fallacies Roberts-Miller talks about. LaPierre Activity: For the LaPierre text, I am going to have the students research the context of his speech (Sandy Hook tragedy) as well as the larger context of "gun rights" and how the context for this issue has evolved throughout American history. For homework, I will have them identify three ways in which LaPierre uses demagoguery, and we will discuss these as a class. Additionally, we are going to watch the full video of his speech in class.
- Kitrina Carr:Unit two approach to texts.docx
- Justin Dykes' Unit 2 Activities
- Amanda Black Activities.docx
- Jerrod Heiser- My activities for Roberts-Miller and analysis of the Wallace text have been folded into one activity. Class will begin by identifying and elaborating on difficult parts of the shorter "Characteristics" text as well as difficult parts of the Wallace text. Then, I will show students an example of the type of analysis that utilized Roberts-Miller to discuss Wallace's speech. You can see an example in the attached document. Students will work in groups, following the model of analysis. Ample time will be left at the end of the class to share results as well as to critique findings. Information collected should be fairly readily applied to the essay as trends in demagogic concepts should be brought out. Roberts-Miller and George Wallace analysis.Chart.docx
- Brooke Petersen: For Roberts-Miller, I had my students read the shorter text. We did group work and then discussion on how demagogic traits show up in public discourse as well as in everyday life (handout: demagoguery in everyday life.docx) For Wallace, I played this Radio Diaries clip in class. I then split the students into groups of four or five and had them discuss the context shown in the clip. Afterwards, we came together as a class, raising issues such as the difference between ethical content and ethical strategies, as well as the relationship of demagoguery/ethics to power. They were able to pull out specific context clues in the clip and associate them with different pieces of demagoguery in Wallace.
- Sean Coolican RWS 200 Unit 2 Activities.docx
Spring Week 3: Brainstorming Unit 2
During our last ITC meeting, we went over conferencing, peer review, and drafting plans. We also started to discuss how we plan to respond to student papers. As we all have varied class schedules, we are trying to keep ahead of the curve, and make sure everyone is prepping (somewhat) ahead. In order to do so, we will take Jamie Madden's advice and start planning Unit 2 with the prompt. For homework, please post a draft of your prompt for Unit 2, and work backwards to create a tentative schedule. Upload your documents below by next Tuesday, Feb. 16th.
Spring Week 2: Drafting, Conferencing, and Peer Review
In our ITC meeting yesterday, we briefly discussed our prompts and due dates for Paper #1. It seems like most of our papers are due within the next two weeks. We then shared our plans for teaching Carey, and then we dug into the text itself. For next week, we would like you to think about and share here on the Wiki how you plan to conduct drafting, conferencing, and/or peer review. Please share how you intend to approach these activities in a blurb below or upload a document by Tuesday, Feb. 9th.
- Dalton Salvo: Draft 1 is due this Thursday for a Peer Review Workshop. The students will break into pairs and fill out a worksheet, kindly uploaded by Susan. Their Final Draft of Paper #1 will be due a week from today. After I have responded to each paper, I will hold conferencing hours. Each student will be required to meet with me to review my comments and will be offered the option of revising their paper if they so choose. Prior to this week, however, each weekly writing assignment that has been assigned has been geared towards getting the students to work on a particular aspect of the prompt. For example, the first week dealt with context, the second with strategies, and the third with claims / evidence. The hopes is that these assignments will provide a foundation from which the students will expand their analysis.
- Pietera Pincock: For Essay 1, I am having my students complete a formal outline. They will do an in-class peer workshop with their outlines (I created a feedback worksheet for them to fill out), and I will pass around a conference sign-up sheet. They will submit their rough drafts as hard copies prior to conferencing, so I can skim through them and take note of what I want to discuss with them. They will meet with me for required conferencing the final week of the unit. I only plan on doing the formal outline and required conferencing for this first essay. Essays 2, 3, and 4 will require in-class peer workshops with their rough drafts, optional conferencing, and Essay 4 will require a proposal.
- Stephen Silke DraftingConferencingUnit1.doc
- Stephanie DeVera: Unit 1 Conference Plan.docx
- Brooke Petersen: For the first essay, I first had my students draft a very informal outline in class. I was able to go around the room to give each of them comments on their ideas. They then brought two copies of a more formal outline and we workshopped one copy in class. They worked in pairs while I displayed a feedback sheet on the doc cam. I collected the second copy, which I will give back at conferences starting on the 9th. For conferencing sign-ups, I used Google Docs; I found this helpful during as an RWS Fellow because students can check or edit their registration time without emailing me. I plan to cold-read--again, working as a Fellow has helped me a lot there--as well as briefly going over the feedback I wrote on their outlines to see if there are any questions.
- Rachel Greenberg: Plans for Drafting Essay 1.doc
- McKayla Watkins: For the first essay, I had my students complete a prewriting activity based off very informal questions surrounding the prompt (i.e. what interests you most about the for profit debate? what strengths or weaknesses do you see in Carey's argument?). I had them draft their theses for homework and then we workshopped them in class. On Thursday, they're going to draft an outline in class, and I'm planning to go around the room and address any questions/concerns they might have as they delve more deeply into the assignment. On Tuesday, their rough drafts are due -- they'll be workshopping two of their peers' drafts in class. I haven't finalized the peer workshop questions yet, but they'll likely be similar to the ones you've shared with us. Their final draft is due next Thursday.
- Kitrina Carr: The previous class focused on ways to approach writing a thesis and the students wrote up an outline for homework. This week’s classes consists of workshops for assessing their thesis and claims by writing them on the board and discussing together as a class the strengths and ways to improve. They also broke up into smaller groups to go over their introduction paragraphs. Later this week there will be a formal in-class peer review. Papers are due next week, and conferences will be held in unit 2 consisting of a review of in-class writing, discussion board, and their first paper.
- Juliette Holder: Paper 1 drafting plans.docx
- Jerrod Heiser wk.2-drafting and review.docx
- Amanda BlackPaper Process.docx
- Jonathan Rodley: Last week we reviewed ideas from the Reader to macro-chart a section of Carey's essay in class and we applied concepts such as PACES and rhetorical strategies to the text. We watched College Inc. the following day. Yesterday we did a workshop where we looked at a paragraph from Carey's text then broke it apart into sentences and then, collectively as a class, wrote paragraphs from the topic in each sentence in consideration to why and how Carey wrote his article. The usual speakers communicated lines and I also called on those less likely to talk to collaborate on the class construction. The point of this exercise is to show students how easy it is to create content for their six page essay and to demonstrate a micro-charted interpretation of the text. We also used the RWS 200 wiki link for 2010 Google news searches to practice connecting outside articles to the topics raised by Carey. Within 35 minutes we as a class wrote three paragraphs and discussed the potential for writing several more. The students can only take this activity for so long before they start to drift, so for the remaining 30 minutes, students broke into groups of four and continued to discuss points of departure where they could generate content from Carey's article. Today the students will break into groups of four and peer review each other's progress on the essay. Students will present their findings together and discuss their ideas. Next week I will meet with the students 15 minutes at a time during our normal class hours to discuss their essays.
- Cam Douglas Cam Peer Workshop.docx
- Sean Coolican Peer Review and Rubric #1
- Justin Dykes' Drafting/Etc. Plan
Spring Week 1: Planning Unit 1
Yesterday for our first official meeting, Jamie Madden gave us some helpful tips on how to plan for Unit 1. For next week, please upload a rough draft (or your finalized draft) of your prompt for Unit 1. This should help you plan the rest of your classes more thoroughly. Additionally, we would like you to upload an outline of your remaining classes for Unit 1. The outline can be as rough or detailed as you'd like, but should include some specific ideas on how you intend to work with Carey. Please see Wiki Instructions (or direct your questions to Jamie McD), and post your homework below by Tuesday, Feb 2nd.
HOMEWORK Fall 2015 RWS100
Final Week: ITC Portfolio
For our final project, we ask that you create a portfolio for ITC. This is not as scary as it sounds; you just put everything in a portfolio. :) The portfolio consists of three parts:
- Copies of 3 student papers, representing a range of grades (A, B, C) with your comments. If you responded digitally, please provide a print out. *These should be from the same assignment.
- Include any teaching materials/class plans/worksheets that you created/adapted and found useful over the course of the semester.
- Personal Reflection (3-5 pages). This is pretty open. Explore your experience teaching, including course goals, assignments, and/or aspects of the course you feel you delivered well/less well. Feel free to provide suggestions for improvement of ITC, or what you appreciated about ITC.
*Please turn your completed portfolio (print out hard copies) into Chris's box in the RWS Office by the end of exam week (12/18).
Week 11: Working with Carr
For next week at ITC, we will brainstorm how Unit 3 can lead nicely into Unit 4. Additionally, we will practice answering our own prompts--writing what we ask our students to write--and discuss how the sample paragraphs work with Carr's text. Please construct a rough body paragraph that addresses your own prompt. The body paragraph should demonstrate what you expect from your students, focusing on rhetorical strategies, ethos, rebuttals, fallacies, etc. Please post the paragraph below by next Tuesday evening (11/3).
Week 10: Analyzing Carr
Last week we practiced how to run a successful class discussion and group work. Next week in ITC, we will focus on our own discussion of Carr's "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" In order to prepare, please read through Carr prior to class, and post your prompt for Unit 3 below. (This can be a rough draft of your prompt). Additionally, please bring any questions or concerns you have about teaching Carr or the text itself.
Week 9: Beginning Unit 3
As we move into Unit 3, we will start with introductory materials and class plans. For next week, please post your ideas for Unit 3, specifically how you plan to introduce rhetorical strategies and Nicholas Carr. In order to discuss these materials next week in our ITC meeting, please post them here by Tuesday (10/20). I will post my drafted Unit 3 below (you don't need to look as far ahead). I have listed where I got certain handouts from the Wiki next to each assignment, links to videos/speeches I plan to use, etc. Please email me if you have any questions or any issues with posting your homework. (See "how to post").
Week 8: Grade Norming and boyd continued
At our next meeting, we will finish grade norming and discuss drafting plans for Unit 2. From the packet of student papers, please read Paper 5 and Paper 1. Additionally, please post your ideas, or class plans, for drafting boyd and the outside sources here. If you are ahead, share what you have already done regarding drafting exercises or the materials you plan to use in workshops. (*This includes Peer Review or Revision Plan options).
Week 7: Sample Source Paragraphs
For next week's ITC meeting, we would like to continue with boyd. In order to prepare, please write a sample body paragraph integrating an outside source. This could be the source you listed in last week's homework or a completely new one. Please post this paragraph here by Tuesday night (10/6).
Week 6: Working with boyd
For our next ITC meeting (Sept. 30th), please create an argument map for "Literacy: Are Today's Youth Digital Natives?" You can find an empty project map here and may want to make the template available to your students as well. Additionally, please highlight one claim, support it with a quote, and discuss how the claim has the potential to connect to an outside source. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email us. Please post your homework below in the same format as Week 5:
Argument Map: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oHkcSZr6yMpRQeDgU147Hh35RLUuAjrImmK3c6aUS6U/edit?usp=sharing
Claim, Quotes, Sources.https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fLxv4bSvO9M_57nLAxc5Tda8Y4Ger8hiDtpS7VFI83Q/edit?usp=sharing
Week 5: Unit 2
For this week's meeting re-read Boyd's "Literacy: Are Today’s Youth Digital Natives?” Come prepared to discuss the text, the assignment, and potential activities for the first week of unit 2. You may want to look at the teaching materials for Boyd, and the selected materials for drafting paper 2. Make a list of some ideas for unit 2 you are considering - this can be very rough. Try to post this to the wiki. You can post it here on this page, in the space below this sentence (or email your list to me if that proves too tricky).
Week 4: Frankenpaper & providing written feedback
For next week's meeting I'd like you to compose a paragraph or two explaining how you plan to provide feedback to your students. I'd also like you to compose a paragraph of the "Frankenpaper."
I've assigned the following people to draft sections.
Arthur, Bonnie, Sergio
Body 1: Claim and evidence used for support
Cristina, Jacob, Suzanne
Body 2: Evaluation of Evidence
Iris, Simeon, Janelle
Analysis of a Strategy/Element used to Persuade
Alex, Robin, Elizabeth
I'd also like you to bring a laptop to the next meeting so we can work on how we will use the wiki. For next week please post this in the usual place - Blackboard discussion
Week 3: Drafting and conferencing
Please post an account of two drafting activities you'll be doing in class, and compose notes on how you are planning to
organize and handle conferencing.
Week 2: Preparing for unit 1
Draft a class plan for your first day teaching Thompson, and an overview of activities for the unit. You may want to work back from your prompt, designing activities that will support and lead up to the production of paper 1.
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