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on March 17, 2019 at 10:29:11 pm

Welcome to my page for my teaching materials! Currently, you will find my PowerPoint slides here, but I hope to add more teaching materials in the future. If you have any questions about anything, you can always contact me at I hope these materials are helpful to you!

Table of Contents



The following contains all of my PowerPoints for RWS 100 and 200, taught in Fall 2018. I use the 3 paper structure, although these PowerPoints can easily be adapted to 4 papers. It is important to look at these PowerPoints as lesson plans for the day's class. While I believe that providing a visual aid is helpful in the learning process, these PowerPoints also show how to structure classes around the main areas of RWS. I focus both on rhetoric (strategies, fallacies, appeals, claims, evidence, rhetorical situation, etc.) and writing (drafting, workshops, style, audience, using I, transitions, tone, grammar, etc.).


RWS 100 PowerPoints


This section contains all of my RWS 100 PowerPoints. This is only for the MWF class structure, although it can easily be adapted to TTH. For that, generally for a 75-minute class, I like to have 7 or 8 activities instead of 4 or 5.


Unit 1

  • 100Unit1, 8-27 (This is the first day class and the expectations I go over; generally, you will be able to take attendance, go over the syllabus, do an ice breaker, and conduct a timed writing in the first class for a 50 minute class. For a 75 minute class, you can also fully go over the PowerPoint.)
  • 100Unit1, 8-29 (PACES class on project, argument, claims, evidence, and strategies. Project, argument, and claims are gone over in-depth while evidence and strategies are broadly defined and taught later in the course)
  • 100Unit1, 8-31 (Rhetorical situation. You can also teach this class before PACES if you want.)
  • 100Unit1, 9-5 (Rhetorical appeals. We also go over a text by Jeffrey J. Selingo on higher education and choosing majors.)
  • 100Unit1, 9-7 (Evidence analysis.)
  • 100Unit1, 9-10 (Assumptions class. Tone and transitions are also taught because I think they are important and go together.)
  • 100Unit1, 9-12 (Logical fallacies class. I use Richard Nixon's Checkers speech as the text here because it is replete with fallacies and was one of the biggest speeches of the 20th century. Students watch parts of the speech itself on YouTube.)
  • 100Unit1, 9-14 (Text for essay 1. I used a Jeffrey J. Selingo on how young adults venture into adulthood. It is extremely relevant to students.)
  • 100Unit1, 9-17 (Text for essay 1 continued. I do PIE today, which I think is an important concept for students to learn about structuring body paragraphs. We also do large groupwork in this class, and they present on the whiteboard with markers.)
  • 100Unit1, 9-19 (Writing essay 1 class. The class before the short rough draft is due, I go over the essay in-depth and tell students what each part of the essay should look like. You may or may not want to guide students this much, but my students have found it incredibly helpful.)
  • 100Unit1, 9-21 (First workshop. I tell a personal story about why workshops are important by talking about becoming a prolific writer at 13
  • 100Unit1, 9-24 (Second workshop. We also go over how to write conclusions.)


Unit 2

  • 100Unit2, 10-3 (Sources class. Students also write a reflection on paper 1, and I conduct a mid-semester evaluation of my teaching.)
  • 100Unit2, 10-5 (Style class. We go over clarity. Students are assigned Hemingways' Hills Like White Elephants and two students read dialogue from it.)
  • 100Unit2, 10-8 (Kendall article. Also, I go over correctness.)
  • 100Unit2, 10-10 (Style class 2. I go over cohesion and concision.)
  • 100Unit2, 10-12 (Text for unit 2. We use claims from a review to analyze a movie. I would not have students use these texts again. Instead, use the current TA texts.)
  • 100Unit2, 10-19 (I go over writing assignment two. I also go over some grammar from the students' first essays.) 
  • 100Unit2, 10-24 (Workshop. I also go over commas. I would add a practice slide for commas if I taught this particular lecture again.)


Unit 3

  • 100Unit3, 11-2 (Rhetorical strategies class. I use YouTube clips as examples. The clips are typically fun songs, famous films, speeches, and performances. Make sure you also show students each strategy in its written form.)
  • 100Unit3, 11-5 (Strategies continued. We go over the first text for unit 3.)
  • 100Unit3, 11-7 (Unit 3 texts. This particular lecture is on happiness and money.)
  • 100Unit3, 11-9 (Unit 3 texts. This particular lecture is on the philosophy of happiness.)
  • 100Unit3, 11-26 (Unit 3 texts. This particular lecture is on the science of happiness.)
  • 100Unit3, 11-28 (I go over writing assignment three.)
  • 100Unit3, 11-30 (Workshop class. I also go over semicolons and titles. I would move semicolons and titles to unit 1 if taught again because students really like learning about these more advanced techniques.)
  • 100Unit3, 12-3 (Workshop class. I also go over grammar from their second paper.)
  • 100Unit3, 12-5  (Last class. I go over the WPA and briefly discuss course evaluations so students complete them.)


RWS 200 PowerPoint 

This section contains all of my PowerPoints for RWS 200. Since I taught both a MWF and a TTH, I have included PowerPoints for both formats.

Unit 1 MWF

  • 200

Unit 2 MWF

  • 200

Unit  3 MWF

  • 200

Unit 1 TTH

  • 200

Unit 2 TTH

  • 200

Unit 3 TTH 

  • 200


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