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on October 17, 2014 at 3:51:45 pm
Unit 3: Strategies Assignment
Nicholas Carr, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?"
Responses, Extensions & Challenges to Carr
Teaching Rhetorical Strategies
- See material from first 3 weeks, much of which can be adapted to re-introduce strategies
- Into to rhetorical strategies, by Amanda Fuller
- Materials for analyzing strategies. Includes definitions of strategies, framing, demagoguery, plus material for argument evaluation. List of short texts for analysis.
- Introduction to Rhetorical Strategies and analysis: there is an interesting blog called "Silver Tongue Times" that produces short rhetorical analyses of everyday things/texts. It's run by some PhD students at Carnegie Mellon. They try to make rhetorical analysis relevant to ordinary people (or as they say, "Rhetorical criticism for the engaged citizen.") There's a new piece that examines a key analogy Jon Stewart used at his recent D.C. speech. It's very simple, and could be used for first year students as a way of introducing rhetorical strategies and their analysis.
- Intro to Strategies/Ways of Approaching the Teaching of Strategies (Powerpoint)
- Powerpoint file on visual rhetoric and argument. Contains terms for analyzing visual texts, plus examples and lecture notes. Likely to be far more than you'll need, but may contain some useful materials. Large file (4 mgb). Also this.
- Rhetorical Strategies - big collection of teaching materials, examples, discussion ideas. Needs some editing.
- More on introducing rhetorical strategies
- Intro to rhetorical strategies in verbal and visual texts
Visual texts to introduce rhetorical strategies:
- Photos of student election campaign signs - can be used to consider strategies and effectiveness
Print texts to introduce rhetorical strategies:
- Parry's "The Art of Branding a Condition." Short text written by a medical marketer revealing some of the strategies used in drug advertising and marketing. Can be used to introduce rhetorical strategies
- Discussion ideas, exercises, homework and group work that uses the Parry text.
- More activities and exercises that use Parry, and some class activities or homework
- Excerpt - strategy in-class exercise (Skloot).doc -Daniela Schonberger, Fall 2011
Sample Student Paper
Lesson Plans:
Past Prompts:
Mixture of print and visual texts to introduce rhetorical strategies:
- A collection of different kinds of print and visual texts can be useful to emphasize how authors use different kinds of strategies, even when the argument is the same. The following texts all make a similar argument about the Texas Board of Education's decisions to change their textbooks.
- "Texas Should Not Define Education." An editorial from SDSU's student newspaper, The Daily Aztec (March 22, 2010).
- "Don't Mess with Texas....Textbooks," by Chuck Norris. Human Events, March 16, 2010.
- Episode of The Daily Show. (The segment on the Texas Board of Education begins at 9:13 and ends at 14:15.)
- Segment from The Colbert Report, "I's On Edjukashun." (From March 16, 2010 episode). Features historian Eric Foner
- "Twisting History in Texas," by Eric Foner, The Nation, March 18, 2010. Could be used to compare strategies - Foner on Colbert, Foner in the Nation.
- Cartoon: "Texas Schoolboard Bookburning." By Monte Wolverton, March 14, 2010. http://blog.cagle.com/2010/03/14/texas-schoolboard-bookburning
- Cartoon: On the Texas School Board of Education vote. March 17, 2010 cartoon published in the Atlantis Journal-Constitution by Mike Luckovich.
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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