How to Identify & Fix the Most Common Grammar/Mechanics Problems
The Twelve Most Frequent Errors in Grammar and Punctuation - Weinstein
From Weinstein, Larry (2001). Writing at the Threshold (56 ways to prepare high school and college students to think and write at the college level). Urbana, IL: NCTE, p. 78. The author suggests that students be given this handout with the relevant pages of their handbook cited in each case. As students make errors, they correct their own sentences after consulting the handbook. However you can also connect these to online links - see below.
- Sentence Fragment - definition and examples, exercises (and answers) from OWL; definition, examples and exercises from Penguin,
- Comma splice - definition and exercises (OWL); identifying splices, and fixing them (UToronto)
- Comma missing between independent clauses (divided by and, but, or, or nor) - examples and exercises from the OWL
- Misuse of the semi-colon or colon: how to correctly use a semicolon, colons, and question marks (OWL)
- Comma missing to set off an interrupter (e.g., between subject and verb)
- Comma missing with a non-restrictive clause—or comma inserted with a restrictive clause: OWL guidelines
- Word choice
- Apostrophe error - rules for using apostrophes, exercises.
- Quotation error
- Lack of parallel structure: identifying and fixing, plus exercises (Penguin). See also OWL materials on parallelism
- Lack of agreement between subject/verb, or noun and pronoun/verb that follows: subject verb agreement, and pronoun agreement (OWL), plus exercises. Also, advice from Bedfords
- Misplaced modifier - OWL resources
To find explanations/definitions of each of these errors, and advice on how to fix them, see the following 3 sites (you can enter the name of the error from the list above in the search field on the site). All 3 sites are extremely useful for grammar and mechanics, as well as for many other aspects of writing.
- Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) Resources
- Bedford St. Martins Writing Resources
- University of Toronto Writing Resources
- Richard Nordquist's grammar and composition advice on
Bedford St. Martin's List of Common Errors with Links to Help
1. Missing comma after an introductory element
2. Vague pronoun reference
3. Missing comma in a compound sentence
4. Wrong word
5. Missing comma(s) with a nonrestrictive element
6. Wrong or missing verb ending
7. Wrong or missing preposition
8. Comma splice
9. Missing or misplaced possessive apostrophe
10. Unnecessary shift in tense
11. Unnecessary shift in pronoun
12. Sentence fragment
13. Wrong tense or verb form
14. Lack of subject-verb agreement
15. Missing comma in a series
16. Lack of agreement between pronoun and antecedent
17. Unnecessary comma(s) with a restrictive element
18. Fused sentence
19. Misplaced or dangling modifier
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