

Page history last edited by Chris Werry 7 years ago



  1. Spring 2018 Orientation Powerpoint slides 

  2. Fall 2017 Orientation Powerpoint slides 

  3. Fall 2016 Orientation Schedule

  4. Fall 2016 Orientation Powerpoint slides 

  5. Fall 2016 Sample RWS100 Syllabus, Schedule and Assignments 

  6. The RWS 100 Reader. Contains commonly used handouts, teaching materials and main texts for the semester.

  7. Teaching materials for the first 2-3 weeks of class  

  8. Collected Teaching materials for all units. Sample teaching plans and lesson sequences   



Orientation materials from previous semesters 

  1. Fall 2015 TA Orientation Schedule

  2. Sample RWS100 Syllabus, Schedule and Assignments 

  3. Powerpoint from the fall 2015 new TA orientation that gives an overview of RWS100, the assignment sequence, class activities, etc.

  4. Online course reader (a collection of handouts, exercises, templates and activities you can make available to your students).
  5. A collection of sample materials that can be used to teach unit 1 and Thompson's "Public Thinking"
  6. A RWS100 wiki used in fall 2014 to teach some of the same texts we'll be covering in fall 2015. You're welcome to peruse the site and use any materials that seem helpful. 
  7. Examples of RWS100 homework activities from the 2014 wiki that can be used or adapted
  8. Assessment powerpoint (RWS conference), English department new grad orientation, discussion of critical digital literacy project (for RWS conference)
  9. Sample RWS100 Course Reader Fall 2014
  10. TA Orientation powerpoint fall 2014 - overview of course, texts, assignments, etc 
  11. General Overview of RWS100

    Overview of RWS 100, Assignments, Classroom Activities, Coursework, and Detailed Description of First 3 Weeks

  12.  Sample Teaching Materials for unit 1unit 2, and unit 3 (each unit corresponds to a major assignment) 

  13. RWS100 Fall 2013texts, course overview, common activities, handouts, syllabus, schedule, and assignments    

  14. Talk for New English Department Grad Students about TAships
  15. Agenda for ITC Meetings


Background Reading 

  1. Excerpts from chapters 1-2 and chapter 4 of Bean et al's Reading Rhetorically 
  2. John Bean's  "Helping Students Read Difficult Texts" 
  3. Introduction to Argument, from Palczewski et al, Rhetoric in Civic Life
  4. Teresa Thonney's article "Teaching the Conventions of Academic Discourse." 



Course Materials and Syllabi from Previous Semesters


RWS100 Course Readers, Syllabi, Readers, and Assignments



Older Orientation Material from Ellen


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