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Page history
last edited
by Chris Werry 6 years, 10 months ago
- RWS 200 Resources from 2017-2014
- Resources for TAs Teaching 200
- Teaching RWS200 - Sample Syllabi, Assignments, Prompts, Schedules & Teaching Materials
- Sample Student 200 Papers
- Texts for 200 with useful thematic sequences
- Lunsford et al's Everyone's An Author
- Lower Div. Writing Committee: Materials for RWS100 Spring 2010
- Short Texts for Unit 1
- Gladwell's Outliers: Links and Teaching Resources
- First to Worst
- Teaching the Crisis - Related Texts to Use for the Strategies Paper
- Summer Meetings to Prepare for Next Semester - AH 4176
- Friday 3.15 Daniela, Nick, Karen, Francis, Matt, Ginny, Tyler
- Monday 1.00 Stephanie, Kristen, Karen
RWS 200 Resources from 2017-2014
- RWS200 Spring 2017 We focused on Hari's "The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered." We also used Roberts-Miller's work on demagoguery plus
a set of "target" texts for analysis, and texts on fake news and critical digital literacy.
- RWS200 Spring 2016 We examined arguments about for profit universities (Carey's "Why Do You Think They're Called 'For-Profit Colleges?'" and the video College Inc.) We also read
Roberts-Miller's "Democracy, Demagoguery, and Critical Rhetoric" plus a set of "target" texts, and a selection of texts on the topic of online incivility and extremist discourse.
- RWS200 Spring 2015 We read two texts on the cultural politics of the veil ("Veiled Intentions" by Maysan Haydar, and "The Muslim Woman," by Lila Abu-Lughod).
We also read Roberts-Miller's "Democracy, Demagoguery, and Critical Rhetoric" plus a set of "target" texts, and a selection of texts on the topic of online incivility and extremist discourse.
- In Spring 2014 we piloted a revised assignment sequence, and we read texts on the Muslim veil, the rhetoric of demagoguery, and arguments about economic inequality.
- A selection of additional materials we used are below.
Resources for TAs Teaching 200
Teaching RWS200 - Sample Syllabi, Assignments, Prompts, Schedules & Teaching Materials
A large collection of 200 materials is available on Blackboard - please see the Instructor's Resource Guide. However, here are some recent materials by experienced and new 200 teachers.
Sample Student 200 Papers
Texts for 200 with useful thematic sequences
"Compared to what? One thing I know is that contexts matter." By Claude S. Fischer Contexts, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 84 This short text can be used to introduce why context matters.
"When Did Girls Start Wearing Pink?" could be used at the start of the semester to begin discussion of the importance of context. It takes a look at how color and dress are used in the construction of gender norms. The text begins with a picture of FDR wearing a dress as an infant, and points out that for centuries young boys wore dresses. It also looks at the way pink only recently became associated with femininity. This could perhaps kick start a set of readings from the Bedford St. Martins Composing Gender reader. ($27)
Fountainhead's V Series, which is a set of inexpensive readers on popular topics such as borders, monsters, food, money, etc.
Bedford list of readers - see the Spotlight series for small, thematic, cheap readers (see also Writing About Writing text).
Rereading America: "Rereading America has remained the most widely adopted book of its kind because of its unique approach to the issue of cultural diversity. Unlike other multicultural composition readers that settle for representing the plurality of American voices and cultures, Rereading America encourages students to grapple with the real differences in perspectives that arise in our complex society. With extensive editorial apparatus that puts readings from the mainstream into conversation with readings from the margins, Rereading America provokes students to explore the foundations and contradictions of our dominant cultural myths."
Lusford et al.'s Everyone's An Author. We have two sample chapters: chapter 13, "Analyzing Arguments" and chapter 9, "Let's Take a Closer Look: Writing Analytically."
The New Humanities Reader
Contexts Site and textbook: http://contexts.org/ The site and the textbook take key issues - race, immigration, new media, literacy, etc. - and explore them from a range of angles using short texts. Produced by sociologists, but is not narrowly disciplinary and tries to find articles that are accessible and engaging. The site also includes many examples of public sphere writing, and of writing intended to enact change.
The Presence of Others (Bedford St. Martins) textbook. "Presenting widely varying opinions on provocative topics, The Presence of Others invites every student to enter a dialogue with the readings and with accompanying commentaries from the editors, student writers, and experts in other disciplines and fields. Noted scholars Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz — whose takes on political and academic culture differ markedly — have selected a range of visual and written texts that cover issues of importance in academic and public life, from education to ethics, science and technology to American cultural myths."
Lunsford et al's Everyone's An Author
This text will be published by Norton in August 2012. It looks useful. Advanced We will try to get desk copies for teachers who'd like to try this text out.
Lower Div. Writing Committee: Materials for RWS100 Spring 2010
Short Texts for Unit 1
Gladwell's Outliers: Links and Teaching Resources
First to Worst
Teaching the Crisis - Related Texts to Use for the Strategies Paper
- Huge list of texts related to the budget crisis, education in California, and related topics. By Christian Fosen at CSU Chico.
- "California's higher-education debacle: Watching the decline of the California State University system from within its boardroom mirrors the erosion of the California dream." By Jeff Bleich. LA Times. See also a list of LA Times reader comments that respond to the op-ed by Bleich
Hamid Shirvani, Will a Culture of Entitlement Bankrupt Higher Education? Chronicle article by Hamid Shirvani, president of CSU-Stanislaus. (CSU-Stanislaus faculty responded to Shirvani's article angrily, with 92% subsequently voting no confidence in him).
- California Faculty Association White paper criticising what it argues is the restructuring of the CSU: http://restructuringcsu.wordpress.com/
Joseph Palermo Fiddling While Rome Burns Jim Miller, English professor at San Diego City College
"California: Killing the Goose that Lays the Golden Eggs." Huffington Post, December 1, 2009.
- OPRAH segment on differences in the quality of schools in rich and poor neighborhoods. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEczvyM3Boc&feature=related
California School Finance in Plain English http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsu2L5jfIFA&feature=related
- Understanding California's School Funding Crisis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHWqTMwZMiw&NR=1
- Jonathan Kozol on the politics of education youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VS9XHbEaFY&feature=related
Scott Jaschik, "The Big Admissions Shift." Inside Higher Ed, December 1, 2009. "Here's the big story in admissions this year: The nation's largest higher education system (and its most diverse) is shifting from being de facto a non-competitive admissions university to a competitive one. Getting into the California State University System's 23 campuses (which educate 450,000 students) has just become iffy for many -- especially for those attracted to certain campuses and certain majors."
- "U.S. schools chief: State longshot for stimulus." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/05/22/BAR617PKQK.DTL "Honestly, California has lost its way," Duncan told dozens of the state's mayors and education officials who packed into San Francisco City Hall on Friday morning. He was even more blunt in admonishing a lunch crowd of educators and executives at the Palace Hotel on Market Street: "Your state once had the best education system in the country. From cradle to career, you took care of your children. You made sure they were ready to enter your universities or be productive participants in the workforce. "I ask you, is California going to lead the race to the top, or are you going to lead the retreat?"
Misc Related Links
Class, Education, and Schools that beat the odds. http://crookedtimber.org/2009/12/09/schools-that-beat-the-odds/
Summer Meetings to Prepare for Next Semester - AH 4176
Friday 3.15 Daniela, Nick, Karen, Francis, Matt, Ginny, Tyler
Monday 1.00 Stephanie, Kristen, Karen
Next Semester
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